Q4–2022 at ClinTex HQ
The autumnal months have begun to set in here in Europe as the crypto bear market drags on, mirroring the wider global macro economic uncertainty that has been so evident thus far in 2022. To say it has been a tumultuous year so far would be an understatement, however here at ClinTex during our 9–5 working day we try not to let the market swings and roundabouts get us down nor affect our focus. The important thing, as we have learned from previous market cycles, is to stay fixed on our long term objectives.
Raydium LP
One of the emerging areas of crypto technology which we have been consistently impressed with this year has been the Solana blockchain. Although not without its teething problems, it is showing enormous promise by providing lightning fast transactions for fractions of a cent. This has brought with it the possibility to build highly efficient decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Raydium.
We spoke on the launch of CTI2.0 about providing more potential cross-chain trading opportunities for our users and this one was high on our list for further investigation. We are now on track to have our Raydium liquidity pool online by the 15th of October. Details about how to trade on this new exchange once live will be posted here on Medium and as always, users can head into our official Telegram channel for more help if needed.
One of the most important aspects of our production schedule over the past few months has been the inception and development of the OpTex data visualization tool.
When we first designed the concept for the ClinTex platform, our options were limited to third party and closed source industry standard data visualization tools which while functional, did not give us the flexibility we really desired to create the complex visual layers and dashboards we wanted to build whilst also integrating the ability to procure source data via the blockchain. We realized in the ensuing months that creating our own tool, built with the open source blockchain community in mind was not only feasible but likely the most efficient solution.
With this in mind and after consultations with our existing development team and discussions with experts in this particular area of design and programming, the OpTex data visualization tool was born. Receiving the backing and support from the Dfinity Foundation really helped us prove that the concept was something which would be of use to the wider community. We very much look forward to working with other builders in the future to help shape this powerful platform, both for use in the ClinTex toolkit and for anyone who wishes to create beautiful visual representations of any blockchain or offline dataset.
Keep an eye on our updated roadmap for more information about the planned advancement of OpTex as it becomes a fully fledged open source data visualisation platform.
Roadmap into 2023 and beyond
The ClinTex project is now entering year 4 of our mission and we have consistently strived to keep up to date with the ever increasing potential that the evolving blockchain space has brought since our inception.
Right now we are working to build out our vision for the coming months and years and shall be sharing this with the community in the form of an updated roadmap, taking us into 2023 and beyond.
We have learned a huge amount since we began working together and recently the team have been having high level discussions about how to apply our knowledge and skills to the future of the project. We are excited about the direction things have taken, especially in the past 18 months and we hope the community will join us in welcoming the plan for the next phases of rollout and development.
The new and updated roadmap will be shared with the community on the 1st of November.
Follow Us:
· Website: https://www.clintex.io/
· Medium: https://medium.com/@clintexcti
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· LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eclintex-ltd/
· Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/clintexcti